VisualStudio性能查看器无法启动 - 小众知识


2020-04-14 20:21:17 苏内容
  标签: VS/日志


Performance profiler failed to launch - Diagnostics session failed to start.

Microsoft Visual Studio cannot start your diagnostics session

Performance profiler failed to launch on any running app , start up project . Both CPU and GPU tools or either of them selected fail.

--Diagnostics Hub log-

Diagnostics session failed to start.

Unable to start Standard Collector. Please try repairing your installation of Visual Studio. (HRESULT: 0xe1110002)​


Can you help us diagnose this issue by collecting logs for the Diagnostic tools. Verbose logging can be enabled by running the following commands on an admin command prompt:

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftVisualStudioDiagnosticsHub /v LogLevel /t REG_SZ /d All /reg:32

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftVisualStudioDiagnosticsHub /v LogDirectory /t REG_SZ /d [directory of your choice]/reg:32

After running these commands, start VS, repro your scenario, close VS, then zip up the logs and attach them to this ticket. From here we should be able to better diagnose what is happening. After doing this you can run these commands to disable logging:

reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftVisualStudioDiagnosticsHub /f /v LogLevel /reg:32

reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftVisualStudioDiagnosticsHub /f /v LogDirectory /reg:32

Thanks for helping us build a better Visual Studio.

毫无疑问,Visual Studio可以称得上是一项神作,但是我们偶尔还是会碰到一些问题。那么,你是否知道它带有一个日志开关?官方文档( 似乎描述得不清不楚,但还好Paul Harrington补充了一条社区评论,算是帮了Visual Studio团队一个大忙。


  1. devenv.exe /log [文件名] 


  1. %APPDATA%MicrosoftVisualStudio<版本>ActivityLog.xml 

赶紧试一试吧。进入Visual Studio命令提示窗口,输入devenv.exe /log:









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