我下载Send to Kindle for PC这个软件(
Amazon.com: Send to Kindle for PC ),据说是可以直接传书到Kindle的。安装后输入在中国亚马逊注册的邮箱和密码,提示:There was an error with your e-mail address and password combination. Please try again. 看来真如
@韩遂 所说,中亚的账号暂时还无法使用Send to Kindle for PC。
我的kindle app 绑定到了 www.amazon.cn 的帐号去了。
send to Kindle 如何将网页打印发送到 这个设备?
在send to kinlde的设置里,填上你中亚的kindle账号不就可以了。我经常把知乎的一些答案send到我的kindle上。
第一次显示% p [5 n6 b' b) r8 V
Important Message ' `8 I# }8 `* |' Y7 w
The e-mail address and password you entered do not match any accounts on record. Please make sure that you have correctly entered the e-mail address associated with your Amazon.com account. If you forgot your password, and want to access your existing account, please click here' G( \. n: n7 [. A7 Y0 J
(Perhaps you originally set up your account at work, and now you're shopping using your personal account, or vice-versa.)
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There was a problem with your request% V3 O( Y! Y* G4 n( e2 D
There was an error with your E-Mail/Password combination. Please try again.; y) d+ G$ E* I/ W) f
但是我确定我的email是对的,password也对啊。0 x, a" l4 L: v) a7 |& r/ m3 L
% a9 M; z5 S; W! i& `
3 c( R5 c4 F: | r# {7 w1 D
如果封了我该怎么解决?我看到Mike那个模板了,但还不是太明白,我用的gift card,当初就没填写信用卡信息,如何填写"my credit card bill address"以及"my credit card last 4 number "?还有我帐户里其实就不到1美元,我也要写"my account has about 200 giftcard."吗?