《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)家族财富排行榜 - 小众知识

《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)家族财富排行榜

2014-09-18 01:45:11 苏内容

《冰与火之歌.权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones) 中维斯特洛大陆上硝烟渐起,都知道打仗不仅需要军队,还需要大笔不笔的银子,掌握着财政大权的王国和家族很可能掌握着战争胜负的关键。在《冰与火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire) 的世界中,哪个家族最有钱?来跟海报小编一起挖一挖各大家族的家底吧。








Lannister家族掌握着维斯特洛大陆上众多的金矿,这让他的家族积累了大量的财富。Lannister的首领Tywin Lannister心机深沉,担任首相的他翻手为云覆手为雨,能把国王玩弄于鼓掌之中,为家族囤下大量金钱绝非难事。



第三名:Daenerys Targaryan


第四名:Petyr Baelish


  Petyr Baelish堪称是从不起眼的小人物奋斗称举足轻重的大人物的代表,还掌握着维斯特洛大陆上相当客观的一部分财产。他管理着国王的金库,对整个国家的财政状况了如指掌,还拥有至少3个“绅士俱乐部”,这都为他积累大量财富创造了机会。










  虽然这个家族坐在铁王座上,但Robert Baratheon向Lannister家族和铁金库借了大概600万金龙,用以享受奢华的生活。从这一点来看,Baratheons家族的财政状况确实不怎么样。








之所以把他们放在第十位,其实是因为没人知道他们有多少钱。他们曾经借给Robert Baratheon一笔不菲的金龙,从《冰与火之歌》中透露的点点滴滴来看,他们有可能比排名第一的Lannister家族还有钱!虽然他们现在位于狭海对面,但依然对维斯特洛大陆有着举足轻重的影响。有多少人欠了他们的钱?一旦他们开始讨债,会产生怎样的影响呢?

Here at Freedom Finance, we’re huge Game of Thrones fans. If you’ve ever watched the series or read A Song of Ice and Fire then you’ll know how much of a part money plays in the award-winning fantasy drama. Wealth invariably brings power, and GoT proves that there is no exception to the rule – the wealthiest families also tend to be the most influential families.

But what are they actually worth in real money? What is a Gold Dragon worth in pound sterling?

We decided to find out.

Who will be the richest? Scroll down to find out!

[We have interpreted the following figures from research into both George R. R. Martin’s book series and the television drama. However, these figures are in no way factual and have not been verified. This has been made purely for your entertainment and shouldn’t be taken too seriously!]

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- See more at: http://www.freedomfinance.co.uk/game-of-thrones-westeros-rich-list/#sthash.OSmZ67xt.dpuf

Game of Thrones Rich List from Freedom Finance

adamwhitehead 7 months ago

The North and the Starks must be worth considerably more than the Iron Islands and Stormlands, maybe both combined. The North has a city and silver mines, whilst the others have neither, and the North has a larger population and more natural resources than either (and again, maybe both combined). The Stormlands are described as poor, whilst the Iron Islands' riches come from raiding rather than trade, and thus their income is more fragmented and unpredictable.

I'd put the Tyrells a bit closer to the Lannisters as well. The Tyrells' population is massive (at least twice and maybe as much as three times that of the Westerlands), they have a city that dwarfs Lannisport and many more towns, castles and villages, as well as controlling a huge amount of trade across the southern half of the continent. The Lannisters' mines are immense, but they'll eventually run dry whilst the Tyrells' riches are based on their people, a resource that will likely keep growing unless they are substantially affected by war.

Revolution of Eva 7 months ago
This is filled with blatant errors or wild guesses. The first basic step is determining a conversion rate - you mention in a footnote that you consider 1 Gold Dragon to equal 1 cow.....and provide no citation or justification whatsoever. You picked it at random. In fact, in the books, Tyrion remarks that food prices are skyrocketing in the markets of King's Landing, as 1 Gold Dragon can now buy only one side of beef or six skinny piglets - this is considered shockingly expensive wartime deprivation. So it stands to reason that one whole cow is actually worth *multiple* Gold Dragons....throwing off all of your figures.

Next, you blindly guessed that Tywin Lannister is worth 12 million, assuming he has up to 2 million in reserve. In fact, a major plotline coming up from the books in Season 4 is that the Lannisters are finally running out of money. Robert can't pay back the 3 million they loaned him, while they owe the Iron Bank 2 million and the Faith of the Seven 1 million. In the books, *tywin cannot pay either of them back* and this creates all sorts of political problems. So it would appear that Tywin doesn't have 3 million in reserve. Rather, the 3 million he lent to Robert was well over half of his total wealth - and, at this point, that debt exists only on paper and won't be paid back (given that the Lannisters control the throne).....so should we really count it as money he possesses anymore?

Next....it is flat-out absurd to compare the Reach to Cornwall. Why? Why did you pick Cornwall and not Northumberland or Kent? What was the rationale here? You do realize that *Westeros is a continent, not a country*. The constituent regions of the "Seven Kingdoms" used to be seven, independent kingdoms....each the size of a real-life European medieval country. *The Reach is the size of France*, not Cornwall. So your guesswork on their relative worth is groundless. "At least four times the size of Cornwall" -- why not three times? Why not five times larger? You're making up numbers with no basis in reality. We do know that they can field an army of about 60-100,000 well armed men - twice as much as any one other kingdom, including the Lannisters (who can only field 30,000, though they are well-equipped).

Your estimation of how much *Kraznys of Yunkai* was willing to pay for a dragon is rational enough, based on the stated worth of Unsullied.....but Dragons are *theoretically priceless*. Just because this is what Krazyns was willing to pay doesn't mean it's what they're actually worth. The only reason he paid 8,000 and not 9,000 Unsullied is because Daenerys's price was "all the Unsullied he has" - and she was only willing (well, pretending) to part with ONE dragon. She can't very well sell half of a dragon to make the ratios match. So if anything, a single dragon is worth considerably MORE than a full army of 8,000 Unsullied. You also ignore that she now has money from the sack of Astapor and Yunkai.

The numbers you made up for the Greyjoys, Martells, and Arryns were pure guesswork, you didn't even provide a rationale. The Greyjoys worth 17 million? Why not 10 million?

And again, you don't differentiate that the Baratheons have been torn apart by the war: The Iron Bank considers Joffrey to be "House Baratheon" because he heads the royal "House Baratheon of King's Landing". Stannis heads the remnant of the REAL House Baratheon, reformed around his cadet branch House Baratheon of Dragonstone.

Rest assured, Season 4 will give more information about the money situation, we'll see the Iron Bank.
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