Qt5中QWebView出现undefined reference to `_imp_ __ZN8QWebViewC1EP7QWidget' - 小众知识

Qt5中QWebView出现undefined reference to `_imp_ __ZN8QWebViewC1EP7QWidget'

2014-07-18 15:50:27 苏内容
  标签: QWebView/Qt5

Hi All.

I have instaled qt5 RC1 in my Debian Sid. I have problems with QWebView. the widget don’t appear in qt-creator 2.6.1 and when I try to compile I have an error:

This is the error:

/home/arcnexus/project/terra/frmanadirmedicamento.cpp:-1: error: undefined reference to `QWebView::setHtml(QString const&, QUrl const&)’

I have Qt += webkit in my .pro file and the project works fine in Qt 4.8.2.

Someone know about this? Thanks for your help.

When we are one, we win

4 replies
December 17, 2012
ezerek ezerek
Lab Rat
4 posts


the webkit module has been renamed in QT5. use ‘webkitwidgets’ instead of ‘webkit’.
December 17, 2012
ArcNexus ArcNexus
Lab Rat
46 posts


    ezerek wrote:
    the webkit module has been renamed in QT5. use ‘webkitwidgets’ instead of ‘webkit’.

Yes, it works fine.


When we are one, we win
December 28, 2012
Zain Zain
Lab Rat
103 posts


I am also unable to see the qwebview control in Qt creator 2.6.1 .
can any one tell me what should I do?
December 28, 2012
ArcNexus ArcNexus
Lab Rat
46 posts


Temporaly I have solved this using Qt-designer outside Qt-Creator in Linux for make forms with this control. But, i think the best solution is compile qWebQit. After compile you need copy .so (linux) or .dll (windows) into qt-creator-designer plugins folder.

After I will to compile and if it works I post the solution step by step. (in Linux; i have only linux in my pc)

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